Kara's Island Beach Day Bash (5th Birthday)
For her birthday this year we had a "Beach Bash" at one of our family's most favorite places, Shell Island. It was simple and fun. All of our friends + their kids as well as the grandparents met out at our local spot at the Island. We had to move it back a day from when we originally planned it due to weather, but it turned out perfect. It was probably one of the most beautiful days of the whole year out there. We set up a small "party tent" and grilled hamburgers and hot dogs (which we do almost every weekend anyway!) Add some chips and drink, and our cupcake cake and you have a beach bash. So many kids and puddle jumpers in one spot at one time! Great day for a great girl!
Meet Tinkerbell, Kara's First Pet
Kara's birthday present from us this year was to grant her wish to get a new pet. We already have two dogs (and we were not getting another!) We tried the turtle thing, but Hunter brought home a snake (Lord Help us!) and took over the aquarium. And once the turtle quit hibernating it moved around alot...and we were having to clean the aquarium every day because it smelled nasty. Eventually Ralphie found a great little park near our home and was returned out to the wild. Checkers (the snake) unfortunately (for me) is still with us. Our home is like our own little farm!
So Hunter and I did a little research and decided a guinea pig would be a great choice for Kara. Hunter also did some research on the best cage environment for guinea pigs and came across what is called a C&C Cage for guinea pig owners. One box of wire cube storage, some coreplast, zip ties, washable bed pads, and fleece fabric later....this was his creation!
This thing is like a Taj Mahal for cavies (guinea pigs). Hunter built this about a week before we got the guinea pig, and I was so impressed at his thoughtfulness and thoroughness in making this not only for a new pet, but also for our daughter. He even had my mom teach him how to use a sewing machine so he could say he did everything himself. Our girls are so very blessed and {lucky} to have a father like him.
So next we were off to the pet store. And this is who we found...
Kara named her (we think it is a female) Tinkerbell, but half the time we call it Piggy. She really is a doll. It has been about a month now and she has gotten accustomed to us. She loves to be scratched on her back. Her favorite thing ever is romaine lettuce and carrots. And if she hears you rummaging in the crispy veggie drawer of the fridge or the sound of plastic being messed with she starts squealing/squeaking until you bring her some veggie snacks.
Karabella Gets Her Ears Pierced
Karabella's other wish for her birthday was to get her ears pierced, and so this is what her Nonnie KK took her to do for her birthday. Her first set of ear rings are small gold dolphins with diamonds. When asked what kind of ear rings she wanted, she specifically said (I want them to have diamonds!). *Tears* A girl after her momma's heart.
Karabella the Kindergartner!
And finally the day arrived this year when the precious angel that made me a mommy took the walk to her first day of Kindergarten. I must say I was not emotional like some mothers are where they dread their children starting school. I was excited for this to happen. I was excited FOR KARA. She has been in daycare before and she went to VPK last year. She loves social interaction and she loves to learn. I was excited for my little girl to take another little step into a big world. I know she is destined for great things and has greatness inside her. I am excited to watch her grow into that greatness. I love you baby girl.
Till next time,
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